Tag: purple fairy in watercolor

Baby Fairy in Watercolor

Purple Baby Fairy in Watercolor2 Small

I painted this baby fairy during our last mother-daughter painting session. She was a quick study on darker skin tones . I’m particularly pleased with her curly hair, which I painted with quick strokes and in a much looser style than I normally paint. This painting is based on a tutorial in Barbara Lanza’s book, “Enchanting Fairies: How to Paint Charming Fairies and Flowers.”

Purple Fairy in Watercolors

purple fairy in watercolor

My niece asked me to paint another fantasy illustration, so this one’s for you Jenny. This painting is based on a tutorial from “How to Draw and Paint Fairyland,” by Linda Ravenscoft. My palette consisted of alizarin crimson, opera rose, new gamboge, naples yellow, and raw umber from Winsor Newton; brilliant red violet and may green from Schmincke (I’m really loving this brand of paint); and jaune brilliant no. 2 from Holbein (this makes great skin tones).

Here’s a close up of her face (I like how you can see the texture of the paper in this shot):

And here’s a shot with the natural, late afternoon light in my studio (I like this one best):

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