Tag: botanical illustrations

My Sister’s Watercolor Tulips

Red tulips in watercolor

I’m so excited to show you my sister’s finished watercolor painting. The addition of the swirly texture–inspired by artist Cindy Dauer at TheSlumberingHerd.com–really made this painting come alive. My sister wasn’t thrilled with the dark green background–she felt it obscured the ink details–so I lightened it in Photoshop so she’d be more satisfied with the end result.

After I lightened the background I played with Photoshop’s Hue setting (Image>Adjust>Hue/Saturation) and came up with several variations of her painting in different colors. It looks amazing in the different color combinations and would make a great art grouping in her new house. Are you ready to see this? I’m so excited to share!

Orange tulips in watercolor

In orange and teal. Fabulous!

Pink watercolor tulips

In hot pink and lime. Be still my heart!

Purple tulips in watercolor

In purple and green. Delightful!

Yellow watercolor tulips

In yellow and aqua. What’s not to love? How do you like your painting now, sissy? It’s perfection.

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